Thursday, October 13, 2016

Schimbare (Change)

Well I've been back in the orphanage for about a week and a half since returning from my adventures in Greece and a lot has happened. All of my active kids except for three were sent either into foster homes or apartment located in a nearby city. I was so sad to see so many of my babies leave but I still get to see most of them a few times a week. 
Two or three times a week I jump on a bus and go and visit some of the kids who have been moved from the orphanage to the apartments. The point of the apartments is to help kids transition into the lifestyle of a regular family and home. Three of my kids were moved there and although I don't get to see them everyday, I get to spend more one on one time with them in the apartments. It also means they are closer to finding a family so I can't help but be so happy for them.
Three of my kids who left were siblings and so adorable. They are happy and healthy so they went to live in a home with a foster couple. On Friday before they left, I got to join them and a few other kids on a field trip. We traveled into the country side of Iasi to a cute little animal farm that is owned by a very kind woman. The animals are therapy animals and have all been trained to be around children. The farm had dogs, cats, pigs, goats, bunnies, turtles, and chickens. A few of the kids freaked out at first but soon were besides themselves with excitement. It was so fun to see them in a different environment and how they reacted to all of these new and exciting things they were being introduced to. There was also a huge playground for the kids to explore. The farm was up on a hill and had a view of the countryside and city and with the changing leaves, it was so beautiful. I was sad to see my three siblings go because they were a bit older and I was able to really bond with them, but I can't help but smile when I think of them in their new home.
This week was the first time I had to say goodbye to any of my kids. I knew it would happen eventually and I thought I would be prepared for it but I had so many emotions running through me that I didn't expect. 
First I was sad because I wouldn't see them everyday. I wouldn't see what new thing they learned that day, or what new skill they wanted to develop. I wouldn't discover a new thing that they like and dislike and what makes them giggle or what makes them upset. I wouldn't see them grow up and figure out who they are and what they want to be when they are older.
The second emotion I felt is joy. By moving out of the orphanage, they are moving into a huge new part of their life. It means they have a chance of having a family. I know what having a family is like and it truly is the greatest blessing on Earth. If I could, I would take every single one of my babies home with me to give them that family. However, they have to stay when I go so I want every single one of them to leave me before that happens so that I know they are that much closer to their forever families.
The next emotion I find myself feeling is hope. These kids didn't have anyone pulling for them when they came into the orphanage. Now, they have the workers and volunteers in the orphanage who love them more than anything. I feel more than honored to be someone cheering them on in their new life. I may not know what happens to them or where they might end up. I know they won't remember me or the things I tried to teach them. I can only hope that by showing them my love and affection these past few months, I will have even the slightest bit of influence in their life for the better.
Now that most of my kids have been moved out of my room, it is a completely different atmosphere. I now have two active kids and 6 less active kids who are severely disabled. My room went from nonstop yelling and running to nonstop cuddling and tickling. We get to spend more one on one time with the kids who hardly got any attention before and I love getting to know their personalities. Although they can't speak or move far on their own, I'm learning what makes them smile and laugh and which toys are their favorite. They all love sitting on my lap, holding my hand, and having me sit there and sing or talk to them. They have such individual personalities that I didn't recognize before and my love continues to grow beyond and above what I imagined it could. 
There are many days when I truly miss the craziness and chaos. At first it was the reason I didn't want to be assigned to that room, but now it's the reason I don't want to leave. I'm sure we will soon receive more crazy kids to continue my fun, but until then it is nice to have a break to slow down and get to know some of my other kids. 
This week I am traveling to Germany for another fun adventure which I am super excited for! So thank you again for your love and support and I will keep you all updated again soon!

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